Monday, August 30, 2010

Volunteers Needed for Disaster Exercise

On Saturday, September 25 the Volunteer Centers and Medical Reserve Corps units in the Metropolitan Washington area will participate in a Regional Volunteer Reception Center Exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to test the ability of the region to utilize and manage spontaneous disaster volunteers.

Students are needed to role-play spontaneous volunteers who have heard about a disaster via the media and have reported to a local Volunteer Reception Center to offer their services to the relief effort. Spontaneous volunteers are people who are not affiliated with a disaster relief organization but who have useful skills and a desire to help the impacted community.

This is an opportunity for students to help the Metropolitan Washington region prepare for disasters. Anyone interested in participating must register by using this link - - to the Metropolitan Washington Regional VRC Exercise registration site. Participants will select one of 6 different Volunteer Reception Center sites in the region. Volunteers must be 18 years of age (16 if accompanied by a parent or guardian).

Upon arrival at the exercise site, all participants will be checked in and receive an orientation to the disaster scenario, including what to expect as they join the exercise play. This disaster exercise is made possible through a grant from the Department of Homeland Security to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

If you need any additional information about this volunteer opportunity, please contact me – We appreciate your support of this important exercise!

De Flounlacker

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Noel Mueller, International Law Enforcement Advisor with DynCorp International under contract with the U.S. State Department, International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Office. He is assigned to the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, Inspector General's Office.

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Noel Mueller (BA-Admin of Justice '94; JD Catholic University '99)